Child of Rage

This is a powerful documentary that clearly demonstrates the devastating effects of sexual abuse on a very young child.
Further, it underlines the need for intensive rehab programs.

Child of Rage

Labeled "The Child Of Rage" by HBO

Beth Thomas was a victim of childhood sexual abuse until she was approximately 19 months old. Her mother died when she was one year old, and she and her infant brother, Jonathan, were left at the mercy of their sadistic father.

She was adopted along with her younger brother by a Christian couple. 

Child of Rage

Beth was a sweet-looking child but one who was full of rage because of the effects of sexual abuse. She was a danger to others.

My diagnosis was Severe Anxiety and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), while Beth's diagnosis was Reactive Attachment Disorder.

Beth's powerful story you will never forget! Beth's story of hope and healing will touch your life forever.

Child of Rage

I had help, as did Beth, but most do not get the help they need, are doomed to act out their rage on others, and are doomed to commit crimes without intensive help.  My mom needed this help, too.

I have attached both the full documentary on Beth and the full movie they made about her story. She was given help and a 'VOICE' and was able to overcome her demons. She also had a Christian upbringing, as I did.

The Prayer

Here is the song The Prayer that Rhema Marianne sings. Let us pray for the 'bruised reeds' of our NATION and their families.
As you listen, please pray for all the 'bruised reeds' of our nation that they will find healing as Beth did.

The Greatest in the Kingdom-Matthew 18:5,6
"And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; 6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." - Jesus


Victory Over Darkness!

I hope I one day will enjoy this kind of 'Victory Over My Darkness' like Beth.
I have come a very long way in my healing journey.   On occasion, I still wake up from a nightmare in a severe anxiety state, like I did as a child growing up. This used to happen most nights when Grandma would comfort me, tell me I was safe, and sing to me so I could go back to sleep.  She wishes she had the same support as Beth and her family did.
Since intensive rehabilitation services were not enough in Regina, she began a rehabilitation program.  You can see what happened to that program by going to her website: http://www.thedemandsofjustice.comthough I have more healing to do and have gotten diabetes and have to take medication for that and the PTSD/anxiety, I can now measure my progress and see a future for myself.
I have goals and dreams. I want to succeed as Beth has.
For others out there who are children or adults of sexual abuse and violence and struggling with such issues as I, please reach out for help and let your voice be heard until others listen and believe you. To heal, we need our parents, friends and community resources like churches, schools, and family to be there for us.
They say it takes a Community to raise a child. Well, it takes more 'to heal a child' who has suffered like Beth and I and others -it takes a NATION.